Category: Home

Trending home furnishing ideas for your home décor

There is a great feeling that comes by when you get home to a beautiful well-decorated home that just spells out homely. Furnishing your home is essential before moving into your house. It is not just about having a roof over your head but also creating a serene, homely environment that you long to go back to. Home décor ideas are so many, but it all depends on one’s taste, preference, or simply ideas that they intend to have in their home. 

Home décor could be one’s initiative where you implement your idea, or you can hire your home décor to accelerate the job for you. Some of the great ideas include: 

Neutral Theme colours 

The colour blend is crucial in ensuring that your home is attractive. Irrespective of the room, a colour blend is important. One may go for the lights shades for the walls and follow up with the same colour but of different shades on the furniture. For instance, if your walls are light grey, do follow your sofas, carpet with a shade of grey that perfectly blends in with the theme colour. Your theme hue is not be limited to one colour, it may be two colours or three if the three do bend. Grey, is the trending colour of the year. 

Graphic art and gallery wall 

Ever walked into a home and that piece of art hanging on the wall captures your attention? That is what art does, it stands out. Having a piece of art hung on your wall or drawing graphic art on your wall, carpet, flowerpot will not go unnoticed. In addition to that, you can have a gallery wall; where you hang photos of the key events in your life and the other occupant’s life. 

Nature into your home. 

Nature says nothing but homely in your house. Having natural items placed all over your home could be very accommodating. It can be as simple as various plant pots around your home or climbing plants. These natural elements are a reminder of the exterior world. 

Modern rustic touch 

This is the blend of the new trending ideas and the old traditional ideas. It brings out the classy but still homely feeling. The incorporation of the two will be a great idea in your home. Keeping up with the trending ideas but still maintaining the beautiful old ideas will be the trend. 

Wood Furnishing 

Wood furnishing on cabinets, counters have been the trend for over a decade. The new trend will be the light wood furnishing for the walls, floors, ceiling, and pieces of furniture in your home. 

Home décor trending ideas are very many. It is all up to you to choose which one suits you best. Home furnishing is fundamental in your home, do take the time to think and decide on the ideas. 

Home decoration :- Stephanie Cohen

Why Lease an Apartment?

A lot has been left unsaid when it comes to the benefits of renting an apartment. Leasing one has tons of advantages, some of which have been listed below. 

The tax break is guaranteed  

One of the greatest benefit of owning a home, is getting a tax relief of some sort. However, getting this is not something that can always be relied on. If a home owners annual mortgage interest payment, plus any other deductions they are entitled to, isn’t greater than the standard tax deductions, then no benefit will be received. 

However, with leasing an apartment receiving this is always a guarantee. This is due to the fact that a large portion of the rent paid is tax deductible every year. 

Maximum flexibility is ensured  

Renting provides a huge amount of flexibility. It is possible to pack and leave immediately after the expiry of a lease. This can be yearly or even monthly. There is no waiting to sell and going over the tiresome housing market before moving. For a lot of people, the freedom of being able to live anywhere and at any time is beneficial and can simply not be overlooked. 

Minimum risk 

When it comes to owning a home, the stakes are pretty high once funds are depleted. When mortgage cannot be paid, the lender has great leverage. The house and all equitable investments could be in great jeopardy. This does not mean that there are zero consequences if a tenant fails to pay rent. However, the pain of being evicted cannot be compared to that of losing a house.  

Apart from that, there are also several social service programs run by the government, that help people in need pay rent in order to avoid eviction. It is almost impossible to find banks or rather money lenders, that are lenient enough when it comes to paying mortgage. 

You get more for your money 

It is well known that the cost of renting an apartment is much cheaper as compared to that of buying a house. This is especially when living in a large city. In most cases it is more affordable than purchasing a condo, not to mention the generous amount of space availed. In addition to this, tenants do not have to worry about coming up with expensive down payments, closing costs and fees for things such as building inspections, land transfer taxes, legal counsel as well as insurance. 

This does not even factor in the borrowing cost. Most mortgage payments are applied only to the interest rate and not the capital during the first five years of home ownership. This means that this money will not be gotten back after selling the home. This is even after going through all the hassles of putting the house on the market. 

Ultimately, the decision of whether to own a home or rent an apartment needs to be done after a lot of consideration. Therefore, it is important to exhaust all factors before making a decision. 

apartment for rent Brampton